▲ Jun Yongsoo, UNDBIO president
▲ Park Young-dae, chairman of the Uijeongbu Badminters Association, delivered a plaque of appreciation to the chairman of the exclusive UNDBIO
▲ UNDBIO Chairman Jun Yong Soo delivers elite scholarships to the Uijeongbu Badminton Association
The first Unt Bio Cup National Open Badminton Tournament was held at Singok Indoor Badminton Stadium
in Uijeongbu City for two days from Oct. 15-16.
▶ Source : Badminton News
명품 대회로 첫발을 뗀 제1회 운트바이오배 전국오픈배드민턴대회 성황리 마쳐
[포토] 제1회 운트바이오배 전국오픈배드민턴대회 개회식
[포토] 제1회 운트바이오배 전국오픈배드민턴대회 참가 선수들
▶ Jun Yong-soo, chairman of UNDBIO, said, "I hope Uijeongbu City will be a good and proud city to live in because it is my second hometown and my children's hometown." Therefore, I hope it will be a cultural city where sports and art for life are activated. As a businessman headquartered in Uijeongbu-si, the competition was held with the idea that direct sponsorship and activation of these cultural and sports activities would be a direct social return of the company. "I hope it will grow into a prestigious competition over the years, and I hope it will contribute even a little to the development of badminton in Uijeongbu City and the happiness of Uijeongbu citizens," he said.